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Magnetofon DENON DRW-750 Ceramic Composite Deck

Oferta wycofana (nieaktualna)!

Cena: 300 zł / sztukę


  • Warta
    (gmina Warta)

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Magnetofon deck DENON DRW-750 Ceramic Composite Cassette Deck Made in Japan!!!

The Denon DRW-750 is a stereo double cassette deck with Dolby B noise reduction, it was introduced by Denon in 1989.

The main features of the Denon DRW-750 are:, electronic tape counter with 4 digits, tape type selection with support for normal, chrome and metal tapes.

Typical front loading double cassette deck with the cassette compartiment located on both sides of the deck. Tape eject is operated mechanically and the cassette needs to be placed with the side to be played facing forward in the cassette well.

Level meters used on the DRW-750 are generic digital peak reading meters.

The Dolby-B system reduces tape hiss on tapes recorded on the DRW-750 by as much as 10 dB at the highest frequencies.

Denon DRW-750

Double Cassette Deck (1989-91)


Type: double compact cassette deck

Track System: 4-track, 2-channel stereo

Tape Speed: 4.8 cm/s

Heads: 1 x playback, 1 x playback/record, 1 x erase

Motor: 2 x capstan, 2 x reel

Tape Type: type I, CrO2, Metal

Noise Reduction: B, C

Headroom Extension: HX Pro

Frequency Response: 20Hz to 18kHz  (Metal tape)

Signal to Noise Ratio: 74dB  (dolby C)

Wow and Flutter: 0.06%

Input: 80mV (line)

Output: 0.775V (line)

Dimensions: 434 x 125 x 275mm

Weight: 4.8kg

Magnetofon sprawny w stanie jak na foto. Bardzo ładny polecam.

Zapraszam do kupna.

W razie pytań tel. 665589233

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  • Warta
    (gmina Warta)
  665 [pokaż]
Rozpoczęcie: 24.08.2020, 19:14
Zakończenie: 06.05.2021 22:25

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